
Our students will learn key academic skills - like reading, writing and math - to encompass the knowledge and processes associated with intellectual development. As learners and meaning-makers, students take subject-specific concepts and content and transform them into a new understanding. 

We have much to celebrate at Bakerview and are very proud of our student's accomplishments and achievements. Please visit our Instagram account @bakerviewcentreforlearning for updated celebrations of learning and course completions.

Course Completions

We celebrate all course completions at Bakerview as every course completion deserves a celebration. As many of our courses are self paced, once a student completes a course they earn a treat of their choice and a highlight reel on our school Instagram account @bakerviewcentreforlearning

Indigenous Role Models

We are proud to celebrate our Indigenous Role Models Marcie Pruden (2019), Gabriel Thibeault (2020), Michael Kirkness (2023) and Logan Thibeault (2023) for their cultural pride, leadership skills, personal goals and contributions and service to their school and communities.


Life Skills - Foods

At Bakerview, we are committed to pairing academic learning with the development of relevant, applicable and long term life skills. As part of our Food and Nutrition curricular programming, students develop skills such as planning, prepping and cooking. As they are learning, their hard work results in a comprehensive, nutritious and adventurous food program which is available to all students.

Life Skills - Taxes

At Bakerview, we are committed to pairing academic learning with the development of relevant, applicable and long term life skills. As a part of our math curriculum, we are teaching students how to do their taxes. Every year during tax season, BCL offers free income tax sessions for any BCL students who worked and received a T4. Students simply sign up for a session with our math teachers Sara and Ward, who work side by side with students as they complete their taxes online. Students who complete their taxes will also receive credit for all Math curricular outcomes met.


Place Based Learning on the Land

Recognizing the cultural and traditional connection to land, Bakerview staff provide place based learning experiences and connectivity for our students in local landscapes. Through activities such as hiking, our students are exposed to traditional landscapes, natural environments and interactive experiences where they can explore outside as they also look inward and learn more about who they are, what they want, where they are going, and who they are in relation to community.  For some of our students, this is a unique opportunity where they find community, find themselves and find space to give back.  Learning on the land not only lends itself to mental health benefits, research also indicates individuals who are more connected to the natural world will be much more likely to take care of it.