A part-time academic and life skills program for students who work most effectively in a small-group, supportive, self-paced environment. Located off-campus at a school district facility.
This program is designed for students unable to participate in an on-campus program.
Reach was established to fill a void in the educational opportunity afforded to highly disengaged students.
Our students come to us with many barriers, current and past. These barriers may be academic, social, behavioral or personal in nature. What we seek to provide is an environment where these barriers can be broken down and eventually revisited from a different perspective. The staff at Reach seek to individualize and personalize every aspect of curriculum. Personal interests, strengths and talents are woven into assignments and paired with time dedicated to self-care and personal growth. For many students, this program provides the opportunity to reengage in school. Along the way we hope to inspire, encourage and challenge our students to have confidence and reach whatever goals they have made for themselves.