Code of Conduct
Statement of Purpose
Our commitment is to promote a safe, caring and orderly school where students and staff can learn and work effectively. We value diversity and guard the dignity and rights of all members of the school community. We strive for an environment that is free from discrimination based on gender, race, religion and/or sexual orientation as outlined in the BC Human Rights Code. We will promote and support these values regardless of time and place or how we interact with one another whether face-to-face or electronically. (Our school code of conduct aligns with the District Code of Conduct online at abbyschools.ca)
Conduct Expectations
Students are expected to conduct themselves as exemplary citizens both at school and in the community. Any conduct that adversely affects the school shall be considered a breach of the School Code of Conduct.
A) Examples of Acceptable Conduct
Students should strive towards the following behaviours:
- Ensuring that the educational rights of all members of the school community are respected
- Respecting the right of every member of the school community to feel safe
- Promoting an environment of understanding and mutual respect
- Setting high standards for personal achievement and applying good effort in all curricular areas
- Respecting the property of others
- Informing an adult, in a timely manner, of any known bullying, harassment or intimidation
- Wearing clothing appropriate to the school dress code
- Being a positive ambassador for the school throughout the community
B) Examples of Unacceptable Conduct
Our students must refrain from behaviours that undermine our goal as stated in the Statement of Purpose. Such behaviours include:
- Interfering with a safe, caring and orderly environment
- Interfering with the learning of others
- Academic dishonesty (plagiarism and cheating)
- Ignoring rules at school related events: e.g. weapons, fireworks, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use
- Bullying, cyber bullying, harassment, intimidation or physical violence
- Retaliation against a person who has reported incidents to staff
- Publishing or displaying anything that is discriminatory against a person or a group of persons due to race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, or sexual orientation
Rising Expectations
As students mature and become more positive role models in the community, they will gain a deeper sense of pride and belonging to their school. Their example will help guide younger students in reaching their potential within a safe, caring and orderly school. As students mature, they will become more aware of their personal responsibility and consequently understand the need for more severe consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
Violations of the School Code of Conduct will result in consistent and fair disciplinary action. The severity and frequency of the infractions, as well as the age, maturity, and the cognitive ability of the student will be considered in determining appropriate action. Whenever possible, disciplinary action is preventative and restorative, rather than punitive. Contravention of the School Code of Conduct will result in an escalating set of consequences and/or interventions that may include community service, detentions, loss of privileges, mediations, counseling, parent conferences, behaviour contracts, and in-school or out-of-school suspensions. Serious breaches of the School Code of Conduct that threaten the safety and welfare of others may be referred to a District Board of Review (Level Three Suspension). All discipline and suspensions shall be accordance with District Policy 11.120, Suspension, Re-Admittance, and Refusal to Continue to Offer an Educational Program.
- Parents of offenders and victims
- School district officials as required by school district policy
- Police and/or other community agencies as required by law
- All parents when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community
Retaliation Prevention
All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a person who has given information or lodged a complaint concerning a violation of the School Code of Conduct.
In Addition
I give Bakerview Centre for Learning staff permission to drive my son/daughter/ward in their private vehicles within the school district during and outside of school activities (in accordance with policy 6.30).
I authorize the staff of Bakerview Centre for Learning to send _________________________ home if the staff deems it necessary. Please make every reasonable attempt to contact me prior to taking this action. I understand that if I cannot be reached my son/daughter/ward will be sent home and the staff will contact me later.
The administration reserves the right to search students and their belongings where suspicion of weapons, drugs or any other situation may pose a threat to the safety and security of students and staff at Bakerview Centre for Learning (in accordance with policy 11.110).