Grade 12 female student with their thumbs up, standing in front of food supplies 24APR2024 - Superintendent Newsletter - ATS

Using Culinary Skills at ATS to Serve Her Community

April 22, 2024

The grade 12 Capstone projects are well underway at Abbotsford Traditional School. These learning opportunities focus on real-life experiences where students develop skills for future post-secondary education and employment pursuits. Projects are student created and reflect individual talents and interests. They can take the shape of small businesses, community fundraisers, coaching, or volunteer programs.

Eva, a grade 12 Foods student, is planning and preparing meals for Cyrus Centre, a local organization that provides 24-hour services to Abbotsford youth. Several times each month, she prepares meals at school and then drops them off at the centre later in the day. It’s easy to get involved, and it fits in well with her love of cooking and desire to help others. Compassionate care and being available to others in times of need are part of Cyrus Centre’s philosophy. Eva spoke with the coordinator and then signed up on their Meal Train webpage. The money she earns from a part-time job, as well as money earned from ATS’s Food Program’s bake sales, goes towards buying groceries.

Eva’s collaboration, empathy, problem-solving, and communication skills have contributed to the success of her Capstone Project. She has been challenged to think outside herself when planning affordable, nutritious meals that address diverse dietary needs and food preferences. Eva has learned the importance of not assuming to know what others will like. Sometimes, a simple takeaway meal, such as burritos or sandwiches, is a convenient way to reach youth on the go. And, signing up for the Meal Train provides examples of meals that have been well received by the youth at Cyrus Centre.

What motivated Eva to choose this as her Capstone project? She saw the value in Cyrus’s community-based program and knew someone who benefited from their services. Eva was inspired by Cyrus Centre’s vision/value statement that reminds us that life is messy, and sometimes we can feel hopeless, but when we celebrate small victories and successes, positive relationships are created that can shape a person’s future. You’ll never know how you may have impacted someone’s day for both the recipient and the giver. As Eva has discovered, there is joy when doing something you love. If you are curious about the program, you can visit Cyrus Centre’s website to learn more.

Abbotsford Traditional School