March 2025
While January feels like it will never end, February seems to have flown by! We recognized Anti-Bullying Day with the distribution of pink BCL hoodies to all students and staff on February 26th and a school presentation by ERASE on Establishing Respectful Relationships in our Community. We did try to get a group photo of our students but they are "camera resistant" when we try to get pics so we had to settle for a staff group photo!
Indigenous Department
This month we are learning about the significance of Harvesting cedar and medicinal plants. We have a harvesting field trip planned for March 6.
We are also offering 2 sessions in March to support students and families apply for First Nations Status, Metis Citizenship, and Inuit Membership. There are ID requirements for these application processes. Interested students or families can reach out to Anna or Sylvia in our Indigenous Department.
Our Friday morning Halq'emeylem language class is expanding and we are now offering mini lessons within classrooms.
We have a guest presenter, Jesse, presenting on March 13th as part of our Career Speaker Circuit. He will share information on the path to becoming, and the experience working as, a Realtor.
Food Safe certification training takes place at Bakerview on March 4 and 5. Interested students should connect with their classroom team and Seet, our careers teacher.
Spring Break
Spring break 2025 starts on Monday March 17 and ends on Friday March 28. Classes for staff and students resume on Monday March 31st.
At the end of the this message, we have included a list of community supports and resources available to students and families over the school break.
Upcoming Dates
March 17-28- Spring Break- No classes in session
Monday March 31 - Classes back in session
Wishing you all a wonderful month,
Jacqueline Hall
Bakerview Centre For Learning
Spring Break Community Supports
The Foundry –Phone: 604-746-3392
FREE Drop-in counselling Monday 12-3 & Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday afternoons 3-6pm
Appointments accessible through the Foundry BC app
Child & Youth Mental Health - Phone: 604-870-5880
TUESDAY intake 9am – 3pm
Immediate/Emergency supports:
START - Phone: 604-743-0765
9am-9pm Mon-Fri or 12pm -9pm Sat/Sun/Holidays (feeling suicidal/depressed/highly anxious or panicked)
Kids Helpline (24/7) - Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Or Text: 'connect' to 686868
Federal Suicide Crisis Helpline. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call or text 9-8-8. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline offers support that is:
-trauma informed
-culturally appropriate
-available to anyone in Canada